Saturday, February 16, 2019

Out of school.....

Each morning from Monday to Friday
Just beyond the birds eating, treating
Beyond the browned beech hedging,
Children stroll to the school bus.
From right to left across my view
Of birds and hedge.
Each carries a days supplies to the front line.

At 4.30 pm precisely
The same children,
Across my eyeline,
From left to right,
Ignore the swooping birds
Worn down already
With the backpack of evening doom.

Being at the ditch has wearied them
So they neither see bird
Nor the blue skied sunniness
Of a February Valentine.
Nor me peeking at them from a foreign clime.

Whilst they have trudged
From here to there
And back again.

I have written a poem.

New anthology for Pimento.

We have a new anthology coming out in March with contributions from all our members. I think it will be a stalwart effort to get it all done. It’s to celebrate 25 years of Pimentos existence.

Published through Amazon, it will be interesting to see our final results and to have a launch in Lincoln at the end of March.

Pimento meetings in 2019....

We now meet on Tuesdays once a month at the Lincoln Library. Good venue with a round table and chairs for the dozen of us!

Plenty of superb poetry and stimulating discussion.

May it long continue.....

Pensions and poetry.....

Joy of joys we have an increase in our pension provision for 2019. It says an increased percentage of 2.60 % but since I can’t access the details then I can’t prove it. I think we’re running a little better than inflation.
Does this mean a little more spending money in Rome or Durham?
Carol says she wants me staying around for another Ten least. That’s worth a small fortune to both of us......

Now can I manage another ten years of increasing pensions, increasing pains and aches and increasing the range and quality of my poetry.....