Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The June Meeting of Pimento Poets…..

Hi Everyone,

You are invited to the next meeting of the group which is on 13th JUNE, 2016.
Location: Pimento Tearooms where our room is reserved from 10 a.m and we will start at 10.30 a.m.
Everyone welcome and please bring some work with you for sharing.

As regards the reading on 16th July at the Fringe event please note there has been a change of time. We will now be reading from  2 p.m until 4 p.m. Please put the new arrangements in your diary.

Some of the programme has already been decided but if you want to submit a poem/prose for consideration please do so.

There will be more information concerning the reading event shortly. I believe we are in the process of finalising a 'Flyer' for
the event.

Looking forward to seeing you in June.

Best wishes,
