Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Meet the Poets: Vernon Goddard


                                                                    Vernon Goddard

Vernon is Welsh, married, a grandfather and currently living in Nocton. His poetry is mainly about childhood, places he has lived, people he has met. His current themes are around memory, relationships, family and the passing of time.

He has worked in education as Teacher, Lecturer, Principal of Cowbridge Community College and Director of Dyffryn Conference Centre and Botanical Gardens. Towards the end of his career he joined Lloyds Bank as Senior Manager, Operations, running its Management Centre in Surrey. At the time of the merger with TSB he ran all their Training establishments at Kingswood, Solihull, Telford and Guildford. At the time of retirement, on Millenium night, he project managed the Year 2000 operation for the Bank.

His favourite poets are John Clare, T.S.Eliot, Dylan Thomas, John Betjeman, and Ted Hughes.

The Pimento group of poets has been an ideal  platform for developing and expanding his work and the further understanding of the nature and purposes of the written word.

Meet the Poets: The Pimento Poets….at the Drill Hall, Lincoln - 25th October, 2014.

Paul , Sue, Nic, Vernon, Susan, John and Maureen......performing for Pimento poets....at the Drill hall as part of the Sound Festival, Lincoln.....

Next Meeting of Pimento Poets: 10th November, 2014.

English: Castle Square, Lincoln Castle Square,...
English: Castle Square, Lincoln Castle Square, Lincoln looking east. From left to right ... Georgian houses, Leigh-Pemberton House, church of St.Mary Magdalen, Cathedral, Magna Carta public house. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Monday, the 10th November… Our next meeting will be at Pimento tearooms, near the Bailgate, Lincoln starting at 10.30 am.

All existing and new members welcome…….

Vernon Goddard.

P.S…..And bring some poems….let's get reading and discussing…...

This Sunday: 2nd November at St Mary Magdalene Church starting at 3.00 pm…...

SUNDAY 2 NOVEMBER,  3.00 - 5.00pm                                                         

(including interval with tea & cake)

‘Long Time Passing’ – A Century of Wars
(on the corner of Castle Square, near the Tourist Information Centre) 

An afternoon of Poetry & Song including popular songs from WW1 & WW2, folk songs and original poetry from Pimento Poets’ new book, ‘Long Time Passing’.

No need to book, just come along!   Retiring Collection.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pimento Poets at the Drill Hall on 25th October, 2014…..

From left to right:

Back row: John, Susan, Paul and Vernon.
Front row: Nic, Sue and Maureen.

Smiles all round from the Pimento poets before their readings at the Drill Hall as part of the Sound Festival, Lincoln.

Long Time Passing - A century of Wars…….Sunday, 2nd November 2014…….Starts at 3 p.m…...

English: Flower of a Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
English: Flower of a Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
‘Long Time Passing’ – A Century of Wars

(on the corner of Castle Square, near the Tourist Information Centre) 

An afternoon of Poetry & Song including popular songs from WW1 & WW2, folk songs and original poetry from Pimento Poets’ new book, ‘Long Time Passing’.

No need to book, just come along!   Retiring Collection.

SUNDAY 2 NOVEMBER,  3.00 - 5.00pm                                                         

(including interval with tea & cake)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Danica Maier at the Collection, Lincoln.

Danica Maier at the Collection, Lincoln.

New work by Maureen Sutton 2014.

New Work by Maureen Sutton:

These three pieces of work were written by Maureen in response to Danica Maier’s  ‘Stitch & Peacock’ Exhibition,  currently on show at The Collection Museum in Lincoln. They were  written between 27th September and 11th October, 2014. The Exhibition continues on display until the end of the year.



A flock of coloured birds
                             soar above 
gallery’s installation
                               as if freed from hanging chains.
              Feather patterns like herring-bone
      on ancient stone walls mark out 
each forked tail. 

The throng threads their way
to the far brick wall, 
                       settle on branches
                                     tight as a hem-edged blanket.
Tiny letters mimic stitches 
                    close as a stem on a leaf
vibrant as Jacobean silk.


                              From the inspiration of a Jacobean bedspread 
                              Maier has given a new interpretation 
                              to the formation of letters.  
                              I now see more than a symbol
                              of speech sound.
                              Minute blue letters mirror embroidered samplers,
                              each tiny form repeated and repeated
                              until they morph into leaves and branches 
                              look closer, Maier is having fun.
                              Letters depicted like stitches are words,
                              words become birds, they take flight
                              settle on branches and stems like raised 
                              French knots on worked canvas.
                              A berry bright as rowan, proud as a peacock
                              catches my attention, like a skein of silk
                              threaded through the eye of a needle.



The conceited peacock has been exposed;
tail lifted to show what he’s really made of.
The artist has finally needled him
pinned the cock down, hidden
words between fan-feathers.
No bull, she’s on to him, 
plucking out eyes, 
he’s too dim 
to  realize, 
full of 

Copyright : Maureen Sutton 2014.

Meet the Poets: Maureen Sutton.

Meet the Poets: Maureen Sutton.

Maureen has been organising poetry and folk events for many years in the Lincoln area and is a founding member and leading light in the Pimento poets group.

She is well known as a public speaker, folksinger and broadcaster.

Maureen has had numerous poems published in local and East Midlands poetry magazines. She has also had three books published on Lincolnshire folklore: We didn't know Owt was short-listed for both first and second edition for the Catherine Briggs Memorial Prize. Another of her books is A Lincolnshire Calendar. For many years she has been published in Lincolnshire Life Magazine.

She has contributed to our last two anthologies: Voices from the Deep and Long Time Passing, a century of Wars.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pimento Poets perform at the Drill Hall Lincoln: SATURDAY 25th October, 2014

SATURDAY 25 OCTOBER,  10.30 - 12noon

part of SONOPHILIA sound festival

Readings from ‘Long Time Passing’, plus Amie Slavin’s sound installation, ‘Other Ranks’, marking Remembrance Month in this First World War Centenary year.

Tel. Lincoln Drill Hall,  01522  873894 

An opportunity to hear the latest poertry from Pimento poets. Members will read from their latest publication: "Long Time Passing".

Selections from Paul Mein, Maureen Sutton, Nic Lance, Vernon Goddard, Susan Flower, John Malvert and Susan Wallace with an opportunity to question the poets about their work.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Meet the Poets.

I will be profiling members of the Pimento poets group over the next few weeks. Watch out for information concerning each of our writers and performers.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Long Time Passing - a century of wars.

World War I Daily Mail Official War Photograph...
World War I Daily Mail Official War Photograph, Series 21, No. 165, titled "The last state of Morval". The obverse carries the following information: "Passed by Censor" and "The Germans had turned this village into a veritable fortress. Our victorious soldiers found it in this terrible condition." (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
'Long Time Passing - a century of wars',  is a collection of poetry by members of the Pimento Poets in Lincoln.

It is edited by Nic Lance and Susan Wallace and contains poetry by Maureen Sutton, Susan Flower, Susan Harr, Colin Mason, Paul Mein, Nic Lance, Gerry Miller, Celia McCulloch, John Malvert, Vernon Goddard and Susan Wallace.

Pimento Poets will be performing some of this work during Autumn at various venues around Lincolnshire. Please see a previous posting for details. You are welcome to join us in our commemoration of the First World war.

Copies of the book are available to purchase at the Pimento Tearooms, 26-27 Steep Hill, Lincoln LN2 1LU

Saturday, October 4, 2014

October monthly meeting.

Our next meeting will be held on Monday, 13th October at the Pimento Tearooms, Steep Hill, Bailgate, Lincoln.

This will be a planning session with less time for reading poetry. But just in case, please  bring poetry and writing related to the theme of 'Fear'.

We'll be starting this session at 10.30 am. New members or guests are always welcome. Refreshments are available at the Tearooms.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Pimento Poets' Events : Autumn 2014


WEDNESDAY 15 OCTOBER,  2.00 - 4.00pm

‘War Stories...’

Church Street, Spilsby  PE23 5DY
In E. Lincolnshire, between Horncastle & Skegness

Pimento Poets perform poignant war stories from their latest book ‘Long Time Passing’, reflecting on 100 years of wars since 1914 – from the Munitionettes on the Home Front to WW1 trenches, from D-Day to drones.  This dramatic story-telling begins with a previously unpublished first-hand account of WW1 which takes place just 22 days after the start of the war on the western front.  More stories gradually unfold and transport you...

Tickets online from www.woldswords.org.uk  via Event Brite and your tickets will be emailed to you.  
or  Tel.  07917 758008   (Mon- Friday, 9am to 5pm)

SATURDAY 25 OCTOBER,  10.30 - 12noon

part of SONOPHILIA sound festival

Readings from ‘Long Time Passing’, plus Amie Slavin’s sound installation, ‘Other Ranks’, marking Remembrance Month in this First World War Centenary year.

Tel. Lincoln Drill Hall,  01522  873894 

SUNDAY 2 NOVEMBER,  3.00 - 5.00pm                                                         

(including interval with tea & cake)

‘Long Time Passing’ – A Century of Wars
(on the corner of Castle Square, near the Tourist Information Centre) 

An afternoon of Poetry & Song including popular songs from WW1 & WW2, folk songs and original poetry from Pimento Poets’ new book, ‘Long Time Passing’.

No need to book, just come along!   Retiring Collection.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

National Poetry Day: 2014

Portrait of John Keats by his friend Charles B...
Portrait of John Keats by his friend Charles Brown, 1819 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Today is National Poetry Day.

Why not read some poetry or even write some.

If you want to develop your ideas and poetic thinking why not join Pimento Poets.